Attention Profiles : The next-generation of Attention Metrics

The ongoing evolution of human attention measurement 


Amplified Intelligence’s years of research and data collection led to discovering and defining the role attention measurement plays in modern advertising. Initially recognising the value of active and inactive attention seconds, we’ve since been able to identify and define a host of new attention behaviours. They will revolutionise the way our customers plan, track and report ad performance to facilitate the best commercial outcomes.

These behaviours are intrinsically linked to how people use their devices, how they divide their attention by platform and format type, and also factor in the common influences of their environment which can cause distraction or draw eyes away from ads being served.

While attention seconds will continue to play a key role in understanding media performance, it only tells part of the story.

Our ongoing data research and increased investment into our technological capability has seen attention attribution move far beyond just attention seconds and allowed us to develop a new, and ever-evolving understanding of deep human attention data. 

That work has led us to Attention Profiles, the latest development in attention measurement by Amplified Intelligence that utilises a combination of machine data and attention data that is redefining how attention can truly be both predicted and measured.

Attention profiles explained


Attention Profiles are based on an industry leading data science method developed by Amplified Intelligence. We are able to map the probability of an audience’s eyes placed on an ad impression, in combination with ad size and ad coverage, against that of differing levels of attention seconds. We correlate that data and are able to accurately predict the relative likelihood of either short term or long-term brand lift.

Amplified Intelligence has so far identified a host of distinct Attention Profiles which provide a world-first level of insight into the commercial benefit of ad formats and the attention they receive, which will enable you to more effectively strategise, plan, execute and report on your marketing activities in-line with your commercial goals.

“Attention is a two dimensional human effort; time and focus. Profiles take into account both attention seconds and the level of interest within that time.” – Dr Karen Nelson-Field

Types of attention profiles

Each Attention Profile can play a discernible role in the short term, and long-term lift, when tailoring creative, ad spend and ad attribution to different platforms throughout your campaign.

When factored against different commercial and marketing objectives, this level of attention-based predictive modelling can play a crucial role in the success of a campaign and help deliver the best possible return on investment for brands and media buyers.

Attention Profiles are a scientific analysis of behaviours that consist of ad coverage (ad duration), pixel percentage (portion of device or screen), and coverage (ad size or format) with the distribution of gaze paid to the ad by the viewer. Other elements that also play into this, are known as Attention Attributes, which consider audience, device and environmental factors that occur when ads are commonly served.

Attention Attributes explained

Continual evaluation of audience, platform and device-specific data has allowed Amplified Intelligence to better map attention behaviours and outcomes to factors that commonly influence attention intensity. We have discovered and defined a wide range of Attention Attributes comprising of a host of attention behaviours such as; 

– Active attention
– Ad visibility
– Attention shift
– Scroll speed
– Ad coverage
– Peak attention
– Passive attention
– Gaze distribution

Capturing all of these human and attention based behaviours, correlated to years of world-leading data collection from users, markets and platforms across the globe, are the varying methods of which many users use devices, engage with their screens, or divide attention, when various types of ad formats are displayed.

The role attention plays in ad impact 

Any given Attention Profile is directly influenced by the nature of Attention Attributes of a platform or format. This relationship explains the varying levels of attention paid at the format and platform level.

And as we continue to better track and map attention data, these attributes are just the tip of the iceberg. Our ability to define new attributes and profile segments, grows with the increased richness of our global human dataset. This cyclical methodology means the team at Amplified Intelligence are continually iterating and improving our attribution models based on the ongoing collection of up-to-the-minute platform and human-centric data.

How do these attributes affect attention measurements?

These Attention Attributes all influence the active, passive or in-attentive reaction to advertising, and they help confirm the notion that not all attention is the same. And by recognising that not all attention is the same, comes the understanding that you have the ability to match differing campaign goals and objectives with tangible short and long-term outcomes for your business when utilising attention prediction correctly in media planning.

Mapping these attributes to actual viewing data we’re able to see the varying effect advertising has depending on any number of these Attention Attributes in combination with common ad formats, providing you with the ability to actively predict outcomes and tailor budgets toward certain profiles where the right kind of attention may reside. 

Attention measurement provides you with the ability to correlate your existing metrics such as time-in-view, ad coverage and video view with truly human centric data like active attention seconds, attention consistency and peak attention. The combination of these inward and outward measurements provides you with the kind of predictive and post-campaign reporting metrics that empower decision makers and streamline costs, and they’re metrics that have never existed until now.

Attention Profiles, as with Attention Attributes, are ever expanding as we correlate and greater segregate commonalities and key differences in the data we’re seeing against the distinct commercial outcomes they’re helping to deliver.

This world-first attention measurement offering is helping customers make best use of their investments across all platforms in the media mix using our attentionPLAN media planning tool. Allowing them to tailor budgets and efforts to precise Attention Profiles that enable them to record the best possible return on their investment.

Capturing human attention in advertising

Whether you’re looking to capture real human attention in your advertising, understand the commercial value from optimising for attention, or use a self-service tool that allows you to plan your media toward the best outcomes, Amplified Intelligence is your attention measurement partner.

Where can I find out more?

Amplified Intelligence are the global leader in attention metrics and measurement. We are able to guide you on your attention journey to discover how real human attention data can not only inform but empower your business, marketing and media strategies.

Learn more about Amplified Intelligence and our team, keep up with the latest news or contact our Customer Success Team to discover how we can help you utilise attention marketing to deliver true commercial success for you.