Your results*

Based on the attention performance recorded from over 35,000 Facebook feed ad views, our sophisticated AI predicts this ad format will generate;

active ad active


Likely active attention
seconds gained

Looking directly at the ad

passive ad passive


Likely passive attention
seconds gained

Eyes on screen not on ad

non-attention non-attention


Likely non-attentive

Eyes not on screen, not on ad

*The device type, percentage of ad length viewed, attention decay, brand size, creative and demographic targeting can impact these results.

Your creative performance

Based on global attention behaviours, below showcases the attentive performance of your creative and related impacts on your brand.

Creative performance

Below is guide based on global benchmarks of the typical audience attention throughout a typical 15s Facebook in-feed ad view.

Did you know...

Ads need to capture attention for at least 2.5 seconds to be remembered.

Did you know...

An incredible 85% of online ads don’t achieve this benchmark, making them ineffective or even wasteful.

Did you know...

And as much as 80% of viewers misattribute advertising due to lack of concentrated attention or effective branding.

Uploaded file

Test the attention performance of your ads, free.

Upload a 15 second Facebook In-feed ad and get your adverts attention performance.*
Find out where your audience are and are not paying attention.

File size exceeds 30mb

File is not the correct file type

Video is not 14-16 seconds

14-16 second duration
MP4, AVIF, AVI, MOV up to 30mb

Don't have a creative handy?



*based on attention benchmark data

Fetching the latest attention data...

Start 0.00

70-90% active attention within the first 2 seconds

Less than 25% of audiences actively watching between the 3rd second and 4th second

Less than 10% are still viewing beyond 4 seconds


video icon

Active attention

If your brand, or branded moments appear here, you’re giving your campaigns the best opportunity to achieve their objectives and deliver a positive outcome for your brand.

Passive attention

If your brand, or branded moments appear beyond this point then you are likely not capturing the desired or required attention from audiences. Resulting in wasted ad spend and misattributing your creative to that of a direct competitor.

Non attention

If your brand, or branded moments appear beyond this point then you are likely not capturing the desired or required attention from audiences, wasting ad spend and misattributing your creative to that of a direct competitor.

Without human attention,
brands can’t grow

Positive business outcomes from attention can be correlated to both long and short term commercial benefits. While conversely, poor attention performance can result in wasted media spend, misattribution from audiences toward competitor brands or even loss of market share if attention is not catered for accordingly in your strategies.

Short-term Benefits

Attention has shown to impact awareness, brand perception, consideration and build memory retention.

Long-term Benefits

Attention has shown to reinforce familiarity and support delivery of acquisition driven business outcomes.

Performance can vary depending on the platform, format and the creative.

Attention performance and behaviours can dramatically change by platform, device, category and even market. Which is why it is not a one-size-fits-all approach and not all attention is created equal. You can utilise attention in your brand strategies whether it be through pre-campaign or in-flight measurement, in your media planning and buying strategies, and across a host of advertising channels.

attention benchmarks
TikTok Instagram YouTube Facebook Snapchat General Web VOD X TV Cinema OOH pinterest spotify twitch

Where to next

Talk to us about attention

Want to find out more about how we can help you
amplify your media for attention?

Using attention

Case Study

A major national banking client was able to drive campaign efficiencies using attention in just 3 short months


Cost per acquisition


Step 4 conversions


Step 1 conversions clicks


More attention effeciency

Read more

Our Products

Test your branded creative and messaging using real attention in real environments.

Use brand specific, real human attention data to test campaign performance and understand if and how your messages are being consumed. attentionTRACE collects brand specific attention data, which is coupled with benchmarking to understand relative performance and opportunities to improve.

Product screenshot

Optimise your media planning with the world’s deepest and most accurate attention data

attentionPLAN® is a planning tool and API integrator for ad agencies, brands and publishers that can be used to effectively strategise ad placements and spends to suit both media mix and business objectives.

Product screenshot

Verify media with attention

Gain unparalleled insight into the audience viewing behaviours of your ads, while being provided actionable, human attention-driven recommendations that help deliver greater return on ad investment. attentionPROVE® is a human attention measurement pixel that allows you to gain real human attention insights in real-time from your campaigns. Track differing attention behaviours toward display and video ads across major web, social and streaming platforms.

Product screenshot

Want to find out more?

Want to understand how attention metrics can help save your ad dollars and deliver better campaign performance? Amplified Intelligence can show you how.