Amplified Intelligence’s Dr Karen Nelson-Field ranked number 2 in B&T’s Best of the Best Adtech Industry Entrepreneurs.


B&T have announced their list of the Adtech industries top 10 entrepreneurs, with Amplified Intelligence’s Dr Karen Nelson-Field proudly ranked number two for her innovative and category defining work in attention metrics, helping reshape and reinform media measurement.

The article states that “Nelson-Field is one of the global authorities on media research and the role of attention in advertising effectiveness.” While also recognising Karen’s unwavering determination to build and empower her team, stating that “few are better placed to help the industry come to grips with the role attention plays in effectiveness, and Amplified Intelligence is one of the more influential organisations Australia has produced in this sector.”

B&T’s list features some of the most innovative thinkers and risk takers in adtech today, selecting those they feel are truly leading the charge in trying to shake things up in the industry for the better.

If you’re interested in learning more about the work of Dr Karen Nelson-Field you can find out more about her upcoming book release, or can discover more about the products available at Amplified Intelligence ranging from our data capture, media planning and verification tag solutions.